Red Dead Redemption 2 - Master Hunter Challenges


1Skin 3 deerMaster Hunter Off-Hand Holster
2Get 3 perfect quality rabbit pelts$5, 25 Health XP
3Track 10 different animal species using your binocularsMaster Hunter Bandolier
4Get a clean kill after calling to an animal 5 times$10, 50 Health XP
5Skin 3 black or grizzly bears$10, 50 Health XP
6Kill 5 cougars with your bow and skin them$15, 100 Health XP
7Use bait to lure and kill both a predator and a herbivoreMaster Hunter Gun Belt
8Catch 3 fish without using a fishing rod$15, 100 Health XP
9Catch an opossum playing possum$20, 150 Health XP
10Find and kill the legendary panther GiaguaroMaster Hunter Holster